Pocket Ham is the latest comedy coming from the writer/director, Nathan Munday which will be starting its festival run later this year. I was fortunate enough to study with Nathan at University and I was able to watch the film before the rest of the world.
Set around the sloppy Sam and the collection of confectionary goods that fill his pockets. Sam offers his unappreciative, downtrodden roommate, John a sample of his delectable dairy and heavenly ham served clammy and warm from the bountiful pockets of Sam's defiled dressing gown. John refuses this generous offer but will Sam's sweat scented curdles of cream prove to be too alluring for him?
The 8min film is packed full of hilarious jokes delivered with great timing by the two leads who play both two solid characters. I read a lot of Nathan's work while in Uni together, with him being one of the best writers in our class and I'm really proud to see how far he's come in his writing. I was definitely impressed with the quality he delivered as director, a role he's still finding his feet in.
After chatting with Nathan I was able to gather up some backstage trivia, like how 80% of the production's budget got sucked up by the collection of cheese used in the film, a whopping 10 blocks of Cheddar and 8 blocks of Red Lester. I'm a grated mozzarella man myself. The film has been in development for quite a while, the first draft being a 1page script Nathan wrote while in his first year at Futureworks and even after completion, the story wasn't done with development. Originally the film was set in the dining room of a hovel home, till while location scouting the team stumbled across an abandoned caravan on the edge of a local vineyard, that just screamed "Sam's shack of scum".
This is the first time I have seen a comedy centric piece of Nathan's work, but he definitely has the comedic chops needed to cut it in the world of jest. I'm excited to see more of what he has in store.
Be sure to follow Pocket Ham's insta-ham to see where else it'll be popping up soon.
Thanks for reading,
Thomas Jackson -The Hedgehog's Photographer-